Sunday, July 10, 2011

INTERVIEW: Anthony Washburn of The Implicit Order

The Implicit Order
The Implicit Order

AUTOreverse Issue 14, Summer 2011
interviewed by Ian C Stewart

Is there anything you're feeling particularly mouthy about at the moment?
The prolificness of net labels that release EVERYTHING an artist produces. Not everyting an artist does is releaseable. It's OVERKILL!

Let's talk about your musical influences. Who are your biggest influences and why? Who were your early musical influences?
De Fabriek is probably the biggest, as Richard Van Dellen was like a mentor to me when I first started. He gave constructive criticism when needed, and encouragement. Throbbing Gristle comes in second as they let me know that I could do it myself, and not to pay attention to any trends or rules, and I really just loved their fucked up sound and attitude.

Where do you see your music heading?
That's a hard one. I really don't know....  I'll stay true to my underground roots and just try and improve my recording and composing skills and make the best recordings I can. I'm now actually selling albums, and that inspires me to do better.

What music software do you use?
Don't laugh! Audacity and Wave Pad Sound Editor.

Is there any other music software you plan on getting?

What's in your home studio setup?
2 desktop computers, a Mini-Korg Univox Synth, hand-held cassette recorders, a digital voice recorder, a beat up electric guitar and various cheap keyboards.

Do you write songs on keyboards or guitar or something else entirely?
I compose from samples. Sometimes I'll play out a melody on a synth.

Talk about your latest release.
"OUR HAUNTED PLANET" is my latest as The Implicit Order. It's based on my obsessions with John Keel, the Occult, spooks and various strangness that happens all over the world. Each song is based on an event or story that I either heard about or read about.

Can you describe your sound-creation working methods?
Most of my music is sample based. I pick a sample (most of the time "they" pick me!) and try and bring out the essence of the sample and why I sampled it, then turn around and manipulate it into something else.

What made you decide to start making music/sounds of your own?
My first tape recorder I got for Christmass when I was a kid. I knew that someday I would figure out how to make "music" with this thing.

Are you active in your local music scene?
No, there is no local scene where I live, as I live in the most rural part of KY.  Nothing but bad cover bands and country music here!

Anthony Washburn
Anthony Washburn, 2011

Who would you like to collaborate with on new music?
Anyone who will be my victim! I did get to collaborat with Jeremy Gluck from The Barracudas, Hal McGee, De Fabriek, C. Reider and many others I admire. I'm sure there will be more in the future....

Anthony Washburn
4124 Cutshin Road
Smilax KY 41764 USA

thanks, Anthony!


  1. I have a ole 1994 issue of Auto Reverse Mag. A cassette tape came with it and I lost the tape when I moved into a new place. There was some cool & weird tunes. Is it possible someone can make me a copy of tape #4 ? One song was called "Ashes to Dust"..

  2. I forget to put my email above. . My name is Robert Szymanski I like the song "Ashes to Dust" ..

  3. I have a ole 1994 issue of Auto Reverse Mag. A cassette tape came with it and I lost the tape when I moved into a new place. There was some cool & weird tunes. Is it possible someone can make me a copy of tape #4 ? One song was called "Ashes to Dust"..
