Sunday, August 14, 2011

REVIEW: The Mighty Accelerator - "Soccer Mom" EP, 2011

The Mighty Accelerator - Soccer Mom EP
The Mighty Accelerator - Soccer Mom EP
Soccer Mom
EP, Download, 2011
Funtime hard-rockin' rock band songs that are equal parts Midwestern punk and classic rock. Cowbell AND double-kick drumming in the same song. Kind of like a lighter Motorhead, something like that. "Shake It" opens with some heaviness, and the chorus reminds me of Tad. Stylistically it sounds like a mashup of Celtic Frost and Cinderella. This would make a nice 7" vinyl single, I'm sure Andy would've done that back in the day. "Mustache Foam" has dynamics and riffs for a semi-epic vibe. The production is nice but not so overpowering that I feel the need to mosh here, or stagedive off of my desk. Clean and professional in a good way, and fun.
Ian C Stewart

REVIEW: chefkirk + Carl Kruger - Physical Release, 2011

chefkirk + Carl Kruger - Physical Release, 2011
chefkirk + Carl Kruger - Physical Release, 2011
Physical Release
download, May 2011,
These guys are a two-man noise riot. This piece is a 27 minutes worth of everything but music. You got several types of feedback, shrill samples and loops, all percolating in real time. This was created live. Certain types of people are drawn to the fringes, the hard, painful, line-in-the-sand that just makes it impossible to think or breathe. Too much of this will ruin your hearing and make you go blind, or maybe that's just me. Tag me out, I can't finish listening to the entire piece!
Ian C Stewart